VA updates compensation rating criteria, adds women-specific conditions to the schedule

Paula Easton News

Posted on Monday, May 14, 2018 9:00 am
Posted in BenefitsTop Stories  7 views

In September 2017, VA began updating the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities, the federal regulations used by claims processors to determine the severity of disabilities related to military service and decide claims. VA is completely updating this group of federal regulations commonly referred to as the “VASRD” or “rating schedule” for the first time since 1945.

On May 13,  the new rating schedule for gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast and  eye conditions is effective. The rating schedules for dental and oral conditions and conditions related to the endocrine system were updated in 2017. VA will continue updating the remainder of the VASRD affecting 15 total body systems over the next several months.

No conditions were removed from the new rating schedules for gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast and for eye conditions. However, several new diagnostic codes were added and others were re-titled, restructured or updated.

One notable update includes the addition of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD) to the rating schedule for gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast. Currently, male Veterans with certain penile conditions are eligible for disability compensation if a condition is considered related to military service. They are also eligible for an additional monthly benefit under Special Monthly Compensation. However, there was no rating option for similarly disabling conditions affecting women Veterans. The new rating schedule guarantees both men and women Veterans are evaluated equally. VA is proud that this rating guidance now reflects both modern medicine and a better understanding of physical conditions affecting women Veterans.

Under the new rating schedule for eye conditions, the general rating formula for diseases of the eye includes a new definition of incapacitating episodes related to eye disease and three new diagnostic codes.

VA remains committed to continuously improving our service to Veterans and staying at the forefront of modern medicine.