Women Veterans’ Health Services Readjustment Campaign

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From the US Department of Veterans Affairs:

women veterans readjustment campaign

Women have played key roles during military service since our nation’s inception. From helping with staff shortages at home to tending the battlefield wounded. For women veterans, coming home from war isn’t easy.
Survival instincts develop fast during daily exposure to gunfire and explosions. It also happens with the chaos that happens wherever armed soldiers clash. Learning to let go of that lifestyle can be difficult, especially after returning home.

If a woman veteran is wondering how they fit in with their family, friends and loved ones, or feels alone and isolated, VA can help. VA offers an array of services to help women veterans readjust to life at home. The Vet Center offers free and private services to help women veterans and active duty readjust to home life, VA mobile apps are available for self-help, education and support following trauma, and VA offers a 24/7 hotline for women veterans, service members and their families to discuss issues and challenges they are facing.

Help us spread the word about the resources and services available to women veterans returning home. Click here to learn more.