Get On The Bus To Raleigh!

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2016 Women Veterans Summit Expo

2016 Women Veterans Summit ExpoWe’re offering a free bus ride to the NC Women Veterans Summit & Expo at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC, on May 25th, 2016. Don’t miss the opportunity and click here to register! (You must also register for the event at Click on Events, then scroll down to Summit.)

This is what Terri Kane, the Women Veterans Coordinator for the NC Department of Military and Veterans Affairs wrote when she learned about our free bus ride:

Hi Ms. Knaflich,

As I mentioned, this year our theme is “Sharing Stories, Making History.”  We want to offer our women veterans the opportunity to share their stories and express themselves in a variety of ways.  Sometimes movement, music, writing, etc. allows us to express things we are not able to with the spoken word.  We’ll also have experts who can help our attendees find and secure jobs or start their own businesses.  Attendees will have the opportunity to give feedback to the VA during the sensing sessions.  And, sometimes the best part is just connecting with other women veterans.

I hope your bus is full.  I am so grateful for your generosity and support for women veterans.
We are working hard to make this event meaningful and potentially life-changing for our attendees.
Have a great day.
Terri Kane
Veterans Service Officer/Women Veterans Coordinator
Veterans Affairs
North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs